Why does digit or thumb sucking occur?

Thumb or digit-sucking is a physical pleasurable habit, which reinforces the behavior for soothing or comforting the individual. Thumb-sucking habit tends to appear under stress, fatigue, boredom, fear, and hunger.

Thumb or Finger Sucking Elimination Studies have shown thumb or digit sucking is a learned behavior that usually ceases by the age of 3 or 4 years old. If the child continues thumb sucking after 4 years old assistnce may be needed. Thumb sucking in school age children can pose several problems which can lead to peer rejection, and teasing causing failure to thrive in an educational or social environment.

Physical signs from thumb or digit sucking include the following if left untreated:

  • Malocclusion (open-mouth bites)
  • Digital malformation Tongue thrusting Speech defects or lisp Incorrect lip seal, tongue placement, and swallow patterns
  • Malformation of hard palate and placement/growth of teeth
  • Alteration in facial growth and respiratory patterns

Most children stop sucking their thumb after the few days of the program. However, it takes at least 30 days to eliminate this habit completely. The child MUST be ready to give up this habit with the support of family members. Siblings play a key role in helping eliminate this habit with positive reinforcement and participation. This program is tailored to individual needs of the child.

Please call to set up a consultation and learn more about my thumb sucking program.